Tuesday, 14 October 2014

The 1 Thing that Matters to US – Satu Duo

Dear The Allianz Amazing Hunt 2014 Task 1,

“Allianz Amazing Hunt”….omgee we are crazy to join this kind of activity but its okay just be positive and enjoy every crazy moment that will happens SOON…. I thought while joining this game there will be no headache task but im totally wrong cause we need to start this journey by posting this entry…hahahahaSo lets start to describe what are “The 1 Thing that Matters to US”…. There are too many things that can be matters to us, but we try not to be so greedy.So, "I DON'T STOP WHEN I'M TIRED, I STOP WHEN I'M DONE" is the one thing that matters to us...Mentioned phrases means a lot in our daily life. This is where we need to set a truthful goals, never set goals too high for ourselves which might not be attainable. Start with lesser goals and once we meet them, we can set higher goals.Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. Nothing good comes easy, and every decision need strategies. Every decision need a little treasure galore of inspiration to motivate us on getting ourselves up to do what we want in your precious life and being the person we want to be.Every time we feel like quitting, we need to think about why we started, never ever lose hope and never regret on every decisions that we make.

Allianz Malaysia FB Page : fb.com/AllianzMalaysia

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Saje - saje jer..

Telah lame menjadi impianku untuk memiliki sebuah kamera DSLR...uuu~
Akhirnya...tercapai juga hasratku ingin memilikinya..Sanggup gak melambatkan hasrat ingin memiliki kereta sendri utk membelinya...

Setelah lama ak membuat research psal DSLR ni, bnyak info ak dpt, especially model ape yg sesuai utk beginner, terms and plus function2 die..Few months before ade gak usha2 kat kedai, price and laen2 benda...So,dengan mengikut kemampuanku mase tu ak pun dptlah 1 model ni, so after dah decide, ak pun nak g lah order..sgt teruja after few days ak akan dpt maen ngan DSLR ni...sgt seronok...
Tapi in the end ak terpakse beli model yg laen sbb dah out of stock..huhu~(klau nak kena tggu sebulan lg, klau tggu konpem duit ak abis g shopping benda laen)..xperlah, sbb xderlah beza sgt pun dgn model yg ak nak tu..jadi, the next day i got the DSLR...fuhhhh~

Kebetulan pula, next weeknye ak kena kursus kat ilsas, so cam good time to try my new 'toy'..hehe(ronda2 around putrajaya)
Antara moments yg sempat ak snap...

Demikianlah, antara shot2 yg sempat ak ambil..
Best gak maen dgn 'toy' ni..(mungkin akan jd hobby baruku..weee~)


1. Janganlah jadi cam ak ni, mentang2 bos cuti, ko pun ikut cuti gak wlaupun kat ofis lg..tapi xper esok cuti umum, sbb malaysia menang piala AFF Suzuki CUP..TAHNIAH!!...hehehe.

2. Rehatkan minda dan kepala otak bile anda xdpt nak solve proggramming problem..uwaaa~(melihat pemandangan diluar, tapi mcm bnyak batu je)

3. Klau nak buat 'jahat' or 'menyetan' bak kate kak nora, kenalah pandai2 cover beb..tapi jgn smpai kantoi..(ok!, sile sedar diri yer..)

4. Mane ade lg dah..dah2 back to work..ehehhee~(sory boss)

Tuesday, 2 November 2010


Rase bersemangat plak buat keje sambil dengar anthem MU nih..

Ak ni boleh dikatakan penyokong MU dan juga peminat MU tapi ak ni bukanlah kipas -susah-mati MU..hik3
Alkisah bermulanye cerita pasal lagu ni mase g OBM aritu, diorg duk tanye tau ka lagu MU?camnelah bole jd penyokong MU kalau xtau lagu die camna...bla..bla..dan bla..bla..

So, selepas ak kembali ke civilization, ak pun dolodlah lagu tu, dan mulelah ak putarkan.
Kalau sebelum ni ak layan lagu korea ke, lagu jiwang ke, lagu sedih ke, sekarang ni ak duk putarkan lagu MU tu berulang kali sambil duk wat keje...xrase bosan pun, cume kekdg tu cam excited giler nak ikut lagu(tapi terpakselah cover...ofis kot..tsk3):

Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
Glory, glory, Man United,
And the reds go marching on, on, on.

Just like the Busby Babes in Days gone by
We'll keep the Red Flags flying high
You've got to see yourself from far and wide
You've got to hear the masses sing with pride

United! Man United!
We're the boys in Red and we're on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly

In Seventy-Seven it was Docherty
Atkinson will make it Eighty-Three
And everyone will know just who we are
They'll be singing 'Que Sera Sera'

United! Man United!
We're the boys in Red and we're on our way to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly
Wem-ber-ly! Wem-ber-ly!
We're the famous Man United and we're going to Wem-ber-ly

Glory Glory Man United
Glory Glory Man United
Glory Glory Man United
As the Reds Go Marching On! On! On! (3x)

  1. Kalau keje xnak tensen dan bosan, sile2lah dgr lagu yang korang suke, sukehatilah nak psg kuat ke slow ke(yg penting pkai headphone)...pastu jgn plak sampai tercabut, abih meletup 1 ofis kang...
  2. Kalau dah alang2 jadi peminat mane2 club or society, silelah jadi kipas-separuh-mati atleast supaya anda tidak dibuli...isk3